Friday 27 November 2009

Title Ideas for School Magazine

Title Ideas for 6th Form Magazine

(I didn't realise I hadn't posted this work before I created my magazine)

Initially I thought of a few different ideas which I quite liked to use for the title of my School Magazine. I thought of, ‘Unique’, ‘Outcast’, ‘Matchless’, ‘Exclusive’ and then finally decided on using ‘Standout’. I choose these similar styles of titles because I wanted to emphasis on the fact that Fortismere School is a non-uniform school and 6th Form which creates more individuality, showing how different each pupil is. I also like ‘Standout’ as a title as it shows individuality- not only in the pupils, but also the magazine itself. For example; showing that this particular magazine ‘stands out’ from every other magazine in the media industry. Furthermore, ‘Standout’, also resembles the stand which holds magazines in the shops e.g. the shelves.

The first font which I liked is shown above. I decided not to use this as I think it will take too much attention from the imagery and it made the whole of the front cover seem too 'in your face'.

After I had played around with fonts before I even created my initial title for my school magazine. I choose the font which I will use for my final piece. The final title is shown below:

I liked my final font better than my first font because I think its bold and more effective, attracting my target audience more. Furthemore, I think it looks more modernised and school-like which is more relevant to my genre.

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