Tuesday 10 November 2009

Being an Image Editor

"Being an image editor"

Throughout my media lesson, my peers and I were given certain activities, to get us more comfortable with manipulating images to help us with creating our magazine. My group designed an image which we thought worked well and linked with the particular article we were given to create an image.
The article was a horoscopes page and I came up with the idea, of using one person in the centre of the image, with lots of winding roads around them. There was also a sign post to the right of the individual with different directions and routes to chose. The sign post had quotes from the horoscope which really links it back to the article. For example, “This way for Libras” and “Money will come your way” etc. I was happy with this idea as I thought it really resembled the article and could make it more interesting for the reader, rather than a simple image such as a crystal ball for example- which was our first idea. Whilst creating the image, many factors helped me which I unconsciously used. Such as, personal experience, mise en scene and creativity. These are all important for an editor to create a good image which captures the viewer’s attention. Reading magazines also help which links to personal experience as it gets you more aware of particular types of images which are used to stand out to the audience. Mise en scene is also very important as it captures everything the viewer will see, as well as maybe the meaning behind the image. Lastly, creativity is crucial in creating a well suited image for a particular article, as it gains more interest from the viewer. For example, if the image was fairly boring and didn’t relate to the article then the audience may lose interest.

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