Thursday, 22 October 2009

School Magazine Questionnaire + Analysis

School Magazine Questionnaire

Name: __________________

Under 10 years
11- 15
16 – 20
20 +



What type of school do you attend?
Primary school
Middle school
Secondary school
6th form

If your school had a magazine created by students, would you read it and why?
No because it doesn’t interest me
No because I don't like reading
Yes because it’s free
Yes because it interests me

Other: ____________

What sized magazine do you prefer to read?


In a school magazine what type of articles and features are you more interested in?
Educational school magazine Gardening
Celebrity gossip Fashion
Music Cooking
Home/ living magazine Games/ Technology
Real life stories Posters/ celeb snaps
Advertisements Horoscopes
Competitions News
Discount offers on products e.g. clothes

What type of people would you like to see in a school magazine?
Teachers Celebrity’s
Students Music artists
Actors People from the general public
Footballers Young people

Other __________

After I had created the questionnaire, I gave it out to a number of people within the same age who attend a school, participants of different genders and people from different cultures as well as lifestyles. This particular group of people, resemble my target audience for my magazine which also helps as I can find out what my specific audience will be interested in. This would enable me to gain results from a wide range of people who would be interested in different things. This would then help me into deciding what type of things I will include throughout my school magazine. Below is the results tallyed up which I received from the questionnaire:

RESULTS from 11 people: (Red numbers symbolise the number of tally's per answer)

Name: __________________

Under 10 years 0
11- 15 3
16 – 20 8
20 + 1


Male 5
Female 6

What type of school do you attend?
Primary school 0
Middle school 0
Secondary school 2
6th form 6
College 1

University 2
None 0

If your school had a magazine created by students, would you read it and why?
No because it doesn’t interest me 1

No because I don't like reading 2
Yes because it’s free 6

Yes because it interests me 2
Other : ______________

What sized magazine do you prefer to read?
A4 9

A5 2

In a school magazine what type of articles and features are you more interested in? (tick more than one if necessary)
Educational/ exam revision help 4

Gardening 2
Celebrity gossip 7

Fashion 8
Music 9

Cooking 3
Home/ living magazine 2

Games/ Technology 4
Real life stories 5
Posters/ celeb snaps 5
Advertisements 4

Horoscopes 7
Competitions 5

News 7
Discount offers on products e.g. clothes 6
Other: __________ *Crosswords

What type of people would you like to see in a school magazine?
Teachers 3
Celebrity’s 6
Students 9
Music artists 4
Actors 4
People from the general public 2
Footballers 5
Young people 7

Other: _______ *Professional gardeners

From the results of the questionnaire I created, I have discovered a variety of different factors which I will relate to my own school magazine. We can see that the results from this survey are reliable and unbiased as the participants who took the questionnaire are both male and female, and are all students who can relate to a school magazine equally- the participants are also those of whom my magazine will be targeted at.

From the questionnaire, I discovered that maybe I could include a free gift with my magazine as it seems fairly popular from the results. We can see that 6 out of 11 participants had said that they enjoy the free gift because it’s free (however this may not be appropriate for a school magazine as the magazine is free itself).

I also know that the age group that my target audience will be aimed at will be varied between 16- 20 year olds, as I am creating my magazine for 6th form students. This will enable me to capture the audience in particular interests as I can relate to the audience as I am a similar age and attend a 6th form myself. I can then look at the magazine ideas from a student’s point of view and think about what I- as a student would enjoy reading too.

Furthermore, from the results I can see that the majority of participants who took the questionnaire, prefer reading an A4 sized magazine, rather than an A3 which is smaller. 9 out of 11 students preferred the A4 sized magazine which helps me into deciding what size I will develop my magazine, with information on what is more popular.

Another aspect from the questionnaire results which helps me in creating my magazine is the type of features and articles which is more interesting for my target audience. For example, I can see that Music is a very popular category, as well as Fashion, Celebrity gossip and more. This then helps me again, into deciding what feature I will include in my magazine as I have found out what type of aspects are most popular for my targeted audience.

One last important factor which I found out through my questionnaire was the type of people I will be including throughout my magazine. From the results, I can see that the participants are most interested in seeing students involved in the magazine. This maybe because it relates to the audience more and the magazine could seem more informal, welcoming and fun- seeing fellow peers in the magazine. On the other hand, I can see that including “people from the general public” was the least popular, which makes me think about whether my magazine will include members of the public as I can see it isn’t popular.

Overall, from researching the results of my questionnaire, it enables me to create a magazine which will be interesting and worth reading for my target audience. It gives me a better, clearer understanding of what a particular audience would like to read, which will really help me to entice the audience into the school magazine.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent level of detail. And you demonstrate really clearly how the things you have found will influence your design.
